Reports and Submissions
Our reports and discussion papers help advocate, educate and organise to ensure best practice planning is addressed and positive action taken to engage with communities so projects meet the needs and expectations of local communities.
Energy Grid Alliance Submissions to the 2024 Draft ISP
Despite its ambitious vision, the Draft 2024 ISP falls short in several interconnected areas. These shortcomings collectively jeopardise the ISP's credibility and effectiveness as a roadmap for the NEM's transition.
No longer lost in transmission
The VEPC, in collaboration with Simon Bartlett and Darren Edwards has officially launched Victoria's 'Plan B: No longer lost in transmission'.
NSW Inquiry into the feasibility of undergrounding transmission
Energy Grid Alliance (EGA) is pleased to make a submission to the Parliament of NSW Inquiry into the feasibility of undergrounding the transmission infrastructure for renewable energy projects. EGA’s submission focusses primarily on the benefits of underground HVDC, not underground HVAC.
Best practice, evidence-based engagement guidelines
Evidence-based engagement enhances credibility, legitimacy, transparency, informed decision-making, and stakeholder participation. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide an overview of the practical building blocks for trust, legitimacy and credibility; the three pillars of social licence.
Energy Grid Alliance Submission to the VNI West Consultation Report
In this submission, EGA has not responded to the assessment of options undertaken due to a range of considerable concerns regarding to the credibility and legitimacy of the RIT-T. EGA’s submission identifies several areas of concern that warrant further investigation and discussion.
VNI West: The Devil in the Details
There are urgent calls to 'get on with the delivery’ of VNI West, one of five actionable projects identified in the 2022 Integrated System Plan (ISP). But beyond the glossy brochure that is the VNI West Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR), do the economics really stack up? It appears they may not, and this begs the question, how can VNI West be justified?
The latest revelations from the controversial Western Renewables Link (WRL)
The latest revelations from the controversial Western Renewables Link (WRL), a proposed large-scale transmission project in Western Victoria, is the discovery of apparent non-compliances and major errors in the WRL Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR).
Energy Grid Alliance Submission to AEMO’s Draft 2023 IASR
Energy Grid Alliance has provided a response to AEMO's Draft 2023 Inputs Assumptions and Scenarios Report. This submission responds primarily to matters around Social Licence and transmission planning.
Energy Grid Alliance Submission to AEMO’s Western Renewables Link Project Analysis
Energy Grid Alliance has conducted a review of AEMO's recent WRL Analysis to better understand the material changes, impacts on the preferred option and how the overall analysis concludes C2 remains the preferred option. This submission responds to matters of importance in respect to the Analysis.
Energy Grid Alliance Submission on the VNI West PADR
Energy Grid Alliance has responded to matters of importance in respect to the VNI West RIT–T as well as broader policy objectives that should be considered beyond the energy system.
Victorian Transmission Investment Framework Submission
Energy Grid Alliance has made a submission to the much-anticipated ‘Victorian Transmission Investment Framework (VTIF)’ consultation process. This is an important step in defining the much-needed policy and framework to help redefine Victoria’s future electricity grid. State-level planning, social licence, public policy and environmental considerations are central to the delivery of renewables, associated electricity infrastructure and enabling legislation.
Acquiring Social Licence for Electricity Transmission
'Acquiring Social Licence for Electricity Transmission' is an important policy paper that advocates for much-needed reform and makes recommendations to better facilitate delivery of electricity transmission projects. Unless addressed, the current framework will continue to erode opportunities to acquire social licence.
Understanding External Costs of Overhead Electricity Transmission
External costs should be considered in transmission planning to rebalance the true benefits, this will lead to greater market efficiency and environmental sustainability. The evaluation of the external costs could be of great help during the cost-benefit analysis, allowing the negative impacts to be considered in the process to identify the optimal transmission development path.
Western Victoria Transmission Network Project Transmission Line Setback Policy
Moorabool Shire Council recently adopted a High-Voltage Transmission Line Setback Policy in response to current and proposed energy infrastructure projects. What does this new policy mean and how does it relate to recent setback policy development?
Engineering Victoria’s Future Electricity Grid
The transition to renewable energy generation must be harmonised with broader environmental goals to enable the exploitation of co-benefits and minimise negative socioeconomic and environmental impacts. Underground HVDC options should be deployed, using existing rights-of-way where technically feasible.
Best Practice Approach for Protection of Wedge-tailed Eagles in Electricity Transmission Infrastructure Development
The transition to renewable energy generation in the name of climate change must not degrade the environment and biodiversity we are striving to protect. It is critical that electricity network planners seriously consider Wedge-tailed Eagle nesting, territory and habitat requirements.
Review of AusNet Services WVTNP Underground Construction Summary Report
AusNet’s preliminary findings require further scrutiny. Misconceptions may have inadvertently led to overhead HVAC construction being recommended as the preferred solution by the investigation and an underground solution prematurely dismissed.
The Western Victoria Transmission Network Project and Feasible Alternatives
An article today, published by The Courier, states that renewable energy advocates call for powerline construction. Stuart Benjamin, chair of the Grampians New Energy Taskforce says "no one has been able to explain why this asset can't go down the highway". It's crucial that all feasible alternatives are explored as part of the EES process.
Engineering Bushfire Resilience – Best Practice Approach to Transmission Line Routing
Energy Grid Alliance have developed a paper that focuses on Engineering Bushfire Resilience - Best Practice Approach to Transmission Line Routing. This paper recommends that good engineering design will ensure any new infrastructure route does not lead to unsustainable deterioration in grid resilience.
Regulating Protection of Wildlife
Energy Grid Alliance have provided a submission to 'Regulating the protection of Wildlife Statement of Regulatory Intent' consultation draft.
Best Practices in Energy Transmission Line Routing to Avoid Habitat Fragmentation
Energy Grid Alliance have provided a submission to energy transmission stakeholders with an emphasis on Best Practices in Energy Transmission Line Routing to Avoid Habitat Fragmentation.
Minimising Environmental Effects of Energy Transmission Networks
Feedback is sought from community and industry stakeholders to develop consistent investment assessment framework to facilitate early identification of project risks and potential impacts. Written submissions to the Discussion Paper closed midnight, 30 August 2021.
Response to the Built Environment Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan 2022-2026
Energy Grid Alliance have provided a submission to DELWPs Built Environment Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan 2022-2026 with an emphasis on undergrounding energy infrastructure through, or routing transmission lines away from, bushfire prone areas to build increased network resilience.
Response to the Building a Better Understanding of Bushfire Risk Consultation Paper
Energy Grid Alliance have provided a submission to DELWPs Building a Better Understanding of Bushfire Risk Consultation Paper with an emphasis on undergrounding energy infrastructure through, or routing transmission lines away from, bushfire prone areas to build increased network resilience.
High-voltage Transmission Line Setback Policy Guidelines
Feedback was sought from community and industry stakeholders on recommended setbacks identified in the Best Practice Guidelines for Australian Energy Transmission Discussion Paper. The purpose of this paper is to provide framework and planning guidelines for the establishment of new large-scale energy transmission projects.
Response to the Renewable Energy Zone Development Plan Directions Paper
Energy Grid Alliance is concerned that the best solution may be one that is not currently being considered. Energy Grid Alliance recommends a comprehensive review of the Western Victoria Transmission Network Project.