ERC0357 – Enhancing community engagement in transmission building

Putting Communities First

25 July 2023

Make a submission by 3 August before a draft determination is made by the AEMC

On 11 April 2023, the AEMC received a rule change request from the Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy. The proposed rule change seeks to improve social licence for transmission through enhancing engagement with local communities.

The AEMC is aiming to publish the the draft determination on the 10 of August 2023. 

Despite the well meaning intent of the proposed rule, the rule changes as proposed will not result in genuine and effective engagement for a number of reasons. The rule changes as proposed may simply deliver a “tick the box” exercise and result in outcomes no different to what is currently endured by communities. We consider that the rule changes as proposed can be improved by inclusion of a few additional requirements that would improve the potential for genuine and effective engagement to occur.

Currently there is no proposed requirement that any market body such as the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) or AEMO must confirm that genuine and effective community engagement has occurred prior to a proposed network project receiving funding approval. We consider that this lack of confirmation in the engagement process is a fundamental flaw in the proposed rule change.

Given our view that to date the has been a complete lack of genuine or effective community consultation with regards to the numerous proposed network projects, we reject the need for the proposed transitional clauses 11.[xxx].2.2 to 11.[xxx].2.5. All proposed network projects or stage of a network project must be required to undertake genuine and effective community consultation prior to any further consideration for project funding approval.

For a normal rule change process the AEMC publish a consultation paper and a draft determination before the final. This gives you two opportunities to make a submission. According to the AEMC, as comprehensive consultation has already taken place, it is using a fast track process for this request, which means there will be no first round consultation. While you will have an opportunity to make a formal submission to the draft determination, it is important to be heard now.

It is important to have your say on this rule change, even though it has been fast tracked by the AEMC. To make the process quick and easy, we have prepared a template you can download and email. For more information, read the background information below.

Make a submission before 3 August 2023

Download the Word document template via the link below. Note, the template has red text. This indicates what needs to be amended in the rules. Please don't be confused into thinking that these are tracked changes that you need to accept.

Amend the yellow highlighted sections and email to:

Ms Anna Collyer
Australian Energy Market Commission
Level 15
60 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Email to;


The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has decided to fast track the Enhancing community engagement in transmission building rule change under provisions in the National Electricity Law.

The request reflects recommendations made by the Commission in the Transmission planning and investment review Stage 2 final report.In developing the final report, the Commission consulted extensively on the issues and recommendations which are contained within the rule change request.

As comprehensive consultation has already taken place, we are using a fast track process for this request, which means there will be no first round consultation.

A draft determination will be published in August 2023 with expected completion due 9 November 2023.

Learn more here:

Rule change to enhance community engagement has been fast tracked.

AEMC documents: Statutory Notice s 96A initiation - fast track rule Rule change request.

AEMC documents: Rule change request.

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